Package 'PhySortR'

Title: A Fast, Flexible Tool for Sorting Phylogenetic Trees
Description: Screens and sorts phylogenetic trees in both traditional and extended Newick format. Allows for the fast and flexible screening (within a tree) of Exclusive clades that comprise only the target taxa and/or Non- Exclusive clades that includes a defined portion of non-target taxa.
Authors: Timothy Stephens [aut, cre, trl] (R port), Debashish Bhattacharya [aut], Mark Ragan [aut], Cheong Xin Chan [aut, cph] (Original Perl implementation)
Maintainer: Timothy Stephens <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.0.9
Built: 2025-02-13 02:06:23 UTC

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A Fast, Flexible Tool for Sorting Phylogenetic Trees


PhySortR provides a quick and highly flexible function for the screening (within a tree) of Exclusive clades that comprise only the target taxa and/or Non-Exclusive clades that includes a defined portion of non-target taxa. Support is also provided for both traditional and extended Newick formatted phylogenetic trees.

A full list of functions can be displayed by library(help = PhySortR).


Package: PhySortR
Type: Package
Version: 1.0.8
Date: 2018-07-20
License: GPL (>= 3)


Timothy G. Stephens, Debashish Bhattacharya, Mark A. Ragan, Cheong Xin Chan

Maintainer: Timothy G. Stephens <[email protected]>


Stephens TG, Bhattacharya D, Ragan MA, Chan CX. 2016. PhySortR: a fast, flexible tool for sorting phylogenetic trees in R. PeerJ, 4:e2038, DOI:10.7717/peerj.2038

Converts Extended Newick Format to Traditional Newick Format


Takes a phylogenetic tree in extended Newick format and converts it to traditional Newick format that can be directly manipulated by packages such as ape and phytools.





phylogenetic tree in extended Newick format.


phylogenetic tree in traditional Newick format.


### Converts the phylogenetic tree into traditional Newick format. 
 tree <- "((A:0.1,(B:0.3,C:0.2):0.2[60]):0.4[100],(E:0.12,F:0.09):0.4[100]);"
 new.tree <- convert.eNewick(tree)

Sorts Phylogenetic Trees using Taxa Identifiers


Reads phylogenetic trees from a directory and sorts them based on the presence of Exclusive and Non-Exclusive clades containing a set of given target leaves at a desired support value. Can interpret trees in both Newick and extended Newick format.


  target.groups, = 0, = 0.7,
  in.dir = ".",
  out.dir = "Sorted_Trees",
  mode = "l",
  clades.sorted = "E,NE",
  extension = ".tre",
  clade.exclusivity = 0.9



a set of one or more terms that represent the target leaves whose membership will be tested in each clade during sorting. Multiple terms are to be separated by a comma ("Taxon1,Taxon2"). This process is case sensitive and uses strict string-matching, so the taxa identifiers must be unique i.e. "plantae" and "Viridiplantae" might not be appropriate as the first is a subset of the second.

the minimum support (i.e. between 0-1 or 0-100) of a clade (Default = 0). Support values missing from phylogenetic trees are interpreted as zero. A vector of values can be provided if multiple support values (e.g., aLRT, UFboot) are present in the tree (i.e., "75.5/95").

the minimum proportion (between 0.0-1.0) of target leaves to be present in a clade out of the total target leaves in the tree (Default = 0.7).


directory containing the phylogenetic trees to be sorted (Default = current working directory).


directory to be created within in.dir for the trees identified during sorting. If out.dir is omitted the default of Sorted_Trees/ will be used.


option to "m" (move), "c" (copy) or "l" (list) trees identified during sorting. In "l" mode (default) a list of the sorted trees is returned, in the "m" and "c" modes a list is returned and the identified trees are moved/copied to the out.dir.


option to control if the function will sort for Exclusive ("E") and/or Non-Exclusive ("NE") clades. Specify both options by comma separation "E,NE" (Default). Exclusive clades are also sorted into a sub-group of All Exclusive trees.


the file extension of the tree files to be analyzed (Default = ".tre").


the minimum proportion (0.0 <= x < 1.0) of target leaves to interrupting leaves allowed in each non-exclusive clade (Default = 0.9).


Will always return a list containing the names of the trees identified during sorting, irrespective of the mode argument.


### Load data ###
 extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="PhySortR")
 file.copy(dir(extdata, full.names = TRUE), ".")
 file.copy(dir(extdata, full.names = TRUE), "Algae_Trees/")
 ### Examples ###
 # (1) Sorting using 3 target terms, all other parameters default. 
 sortTrees(target.groups = "Rhodophyta,Viridiplantae")
 # The function will search in the users current working directory for files 
 # with the extension ".tre" and check them (using default, 
 # and clade.exclusivity) for Exclusive, All Exclusive or 
 # Non-Exclusive clades. A list will be returned with the names of the trees 
 # identified during sorting. 
 # (2) Sorting with a target directory and an out directory specified.
 sortTrees(target.groups = "Rhodophyta,Viridiplantae",
   in.dir= "Algae_Trees/", 
   mode = "c")
 # The function will search in "Algae_Trees/" for files with the extension
 # ".tre" and check them (using default,, 
 # clade.exclusivity) for Exclusive, All Exclusive or Non-Exclusive clades. 
 # The function will both (a) return a list of the trees identified during 
 # sorting and (b) copy the files into their respective subdirectories of
 # "Algae_Trees/Sorted_Trees_RVG/Exclusive/", 
 # "Algae_Trees/Sorted_Trees_RVG/Exclusive/All_Exclusive/" and 
 # "Algae_Trees/Sorted_Trees_RVG/Non_Exclusive/".
 # (3) Sorting with in/out directories, and specified.
 sortTrees(target.groups = "Rhodophyta,Viridiplantae", = 0.8, = 90,
   in.dir= "Algae_Trees/",
   mode = "c",
   clades.sorted = "NE",
   clade.exclusivity = 0.95)
 # The function will search in "Algae_Trees/" for files with the 
 # extension ".tre" and check them for only Non-Exclusive clades. 
 # A clade will only be defined if it has support >= 90 and contains at least
 # 80% of the total target leaves in the tree. A Non-Exclusive clade must also
 # be composed of >= 95% target taxa (i.e. < 5% non-target taxa).
 # The function will (a) return a list of the trees identified during 
 # sorting and (b) copy the trees identified during sorting to the out 
 # directory "Algae_Trees/Sorted_Trees_RVG/Non_Exclusive/".
 # (4) Sorting with multiple values specified.
 #sortTrees(target.groups = "Rhodophyta,Viridiplantae",
 # = 0.8,
 # = c(75, 90),
 #  in.dir= "Algae_Trees/",
 #  out.dir="Sorted_Trees_RVG_75_95/",
 #  mode = "c",
 #  clades.sorted = "NE",
 #  clade.exclusivity = 0.95)
 # The function will search in "Algae_Trees/" for files with the 
 # extension ".tre" and check them for only Non-Exclusive clades. 
 # A clade will only be defined if it has its first support >= 75
 # and its second support >= 90 and contains at least 80% of the 
 # total target leaves in the tree. A Non-Exclusive clade must also
 # be composed of >= 95% target taxa (i.e. < 5% non-target taxa).
 # The function will (a) return a list of the trees identified during 
 # sorting and (b) copy the trees identified during sorting to the out 
 # directory "Algae_Trees/Sorted_Trees_RVG/Non_Exclusive/".
 ### Clean up ###
 unlink("Algae_Trees", recursive=TRUE)
 unlink(dir(".", ".*.tre$"))